CCCP 1986 Database

Public Database for CCCP, est. 1984

Credits to Sergei Zakimovich, Joseph Malinskiv, Ilda Tashinovika & members of the Leningrad Techonoly Institude


Joseph Gonzal Malinskiv

  • Positions: Armed Forces/KNCC
  • Branches/Divisions: Central Comittee
  • Rank: Supreme Commander of SAF/General Secretary of the KNCC
  • Born: 5.9.65, Russian SSR Moscow
  • Vladimir Lee

  • Positions: Armed Forces/KNCC (Suspended)
  • Branches/Divisions: Ground Forces, Aviation & Branches
  • Rank: Marshal of the CCCP/Politburo member (Suspended)
  • Born: 12.6.63, Pyongyang (평양), DPRK (조선민주주의인민공화국)
  • Additional notes: Suspended for suspicion of disloyalty
  • Alexi Mynels Smirnov

  • Positions: Militsiya/KNCC
  • Rank: Chief Director/Politburo member
  • Born: 22.1.59, Russian SSR Moscow
  • Family: Marko Ramius Smirnov
  • Marko Ramius Smirnov

  • Positions: Armed Forces
  • Branches/Divisions: Armored Troops
  • Rank: Marshal of Armored Troops
  • Born: 13.4.43, Ukranian SSR, Prypiat
  • Family: Marko Ramius Smirnov
  • Additional notes: Former Chief Marshal, Former KNCC member
  • Aditional notes: Suspected Anti-soviet Activities

    Ivan levin

  • Positions: Armed Forces/KNCC
  • Branches/Divisions: Ground Forces/Politburo member
  • Rank: General of the Army/Politburo member
  • Born: 22.12.59, Russian SSR Moscow
  • Vladimir Brasnov Vladislav

  • Positions: Armed Forces/KNCC
  • Branches/Divisions: Armored Troops/Politburo member
  • Rank: Chief Marshal/Politburo member
  • Born: 6.7.24 Rēzekne, Latvia
  • Transferred To Moscow: 23.11.73
  • Additional notes: Suspected anti-soviet activities

    Anexanddrav Felinzsky

  • Positions: Armed Forces/KNCC
  • Branches/Divisions: Artillery Troops/Politburo member
  • Rank: Chief Marshal/Politburo member
  • Born: 2.1.56 Russian SSR, Moscow
  • Name: Yaroslav Ivory S. Ivanov

  • Positions: Armed Forces
  • Branch/division: Ground forces
  • Rank: General-Polkovnik
  • Born: 10.7.65 Russian SSR, Moscow
  • Dominikas Muravjovas

  • Positions: Armed Forces
  • Branches/Divisions: Armored Troops
  • Rank: General-Polkovnik
  • Born: 27.9.67 Russian SSR, Moscow
  • Higanbana Aki

  • Positions: Armed Forces
  • Branches/Divisions: Aviation
  • Rank: Chief Marshal of Aviation
  • Born: 18.2.56 Russian SSR, Moscow


    Detentions, Notices and Disturbs:

    Vladimir Lee:




  • Reason: Suspected Treachery and disloyalty
  • Specifications: Insulted Ceausescu, indiscipline
  • Actions Taken: Retraining, Warning system enforced, Reeducation
  • 23.11.86



  • Reason: Reckless driving
  • Specifications: Ran various red lights, stole a car
  • Actions taken: 20k Rubles fine, 5 days in prison and Revoked driving license
  • Ivan Levin:




  • Reason: Possible Anti-soviet comments
  • Specifications: Support towards Latvian nationalism
  • Actions Taken: Increase of surveillance, re-education
  • 28.11.86



  • Reason: Father was anti-soviet pro-latvian independence
  • Specifications: It was discovered today
  • Actions Taken: Re-education
  • Vladimir Lee:




  • Reason: Suspected Treachery and disloyalty, Anti-soviet comments
  • Specifications: Supported Levin's comments
  • Actions Taken: Surveillance enforced, Re-education
  • Marko Ramius Smirnov:




  • Reason: Anti-soviet comments, supported Levin's comments
  • Specifications: Possibly working with the west
  • Actions Taken: Enforced Surveillance, Re-education
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